पेश है होम एफिशिएंसी रिबेट प्लस: अब $10,000 तक वापस!

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Enbridge Home Efficiency Rebate

Air-source heat pumps are becoming an increasingly popular choice for Canadians looking to upgrade their home heating systems. The Enbridge Home Efficiency Rebate Program (2023) provides financial incentives for homeowners who install energy-efficient equipment, including air-source heat pumps. This article will discuss the benefits of air-source heat pumps and how they can help you save money through the rebate program.

Air source heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat from outside air into your home. The heated air is then distributed through ducts or radiators in order to warm the living space. This process requires less energy than traditional heating systems because it does not produce any combustion products like carbon dioxide or other pollutants. Additionally, air source heat pumps can be used both in the summer and winter months, making them a great all-season solution for homeowners looking to save on energy costs.Before you start any renovation work, you must complete a home energy assessment. A registered energy advisor will look at how your home uses energy and tell you which upgrades will help you save and how they work together. If you complete at least two of the recommended upgrades, you’ll get your money back. If you have any questions about the rebate program or how to start a renovation project, our HVAC experts are always here to answer your questions. Call us at+1 888-466-3516 today!

How the program works

Schedule a home energy assessment

Before starting any work, you must first complete a home energy assessment with a registered energy advisor before Dec. 31, 2022.

Get a custom report with recommended upgrades
After your home energy assessment, your registered energy advisor will provide a report with a list of recommended upgrades to help lower your natural gas bill and make your home comfortable.

Complete at least two eligible upgrades
For each additional upgrade you install, you’ll get additional bonus incentives up to $750. To qualify for the furnace rebate, you must complete three upgrades.

Schedule a follow-up energy assessment
You must complete a final home energy assessment to qualify for rebates. The follow-up visit takes about one hour and must take place within 120 days of your first visit or before Apr. 30, 2023.

Receive your rebate cheque within 12 weeks
We’ll also reimburse you $600‡ for your energy assessments. This will be included in your final cheque.